Reach More Fur Parents!

Join Our Paw-some Pack of Partners!

We’re thrilled to partner with local brands we love and trust, referring our clients to these fantastic companies! Only a few make the cut to ensure our clients get the cream of the crop!

What Makes the Cut?

To join our tail-wagging referral program, your brand must:
🐶 Be perfect for all breeds, sizes, and ages.
🐶 Be made with integrity (durable materials, natural ingredients, food-grade treats, etc.).
🐶 Proudly represent USA brands!
🐶 Pass the rigorous testing of our very discerning doggo testers and earn their bark of approval!

We’ll even share a hilarious video of our testers’ reactions on our social media!

Get Your Paws in the Door!

Think your brand has what it takes? Contact us!

Send us a sample for our Team A testers. If they wag their tails in approval, we’ll purchase more for Team B! We’re picky for a reason – we only support the best brands.

Ready to Fetch Success?

Contact us today! Let’s chat about getting your product into the paws of our furry clientele. Remember, we reserve the right to discontinue support at any time, especially if terms are violated or your brand gets mixed up with unsavory business.

Reach out now, and let’s get the ball rolling on a fur-tastic partnership! 🐾