Terms of Service

A.1. Please read these Dog Training Terms of Service & Release (the “Dog Training Terms”) carefully. By enrolling, purchasing, scheduling, or otherwise agreeing to participate in dog training from or on behalf of PractiPUP, you agree to these Dog Training Terms. For purposes of the Dog Training Terms, “PractiPUP,” “the Company,” “we,” or “us” shall mean PractiPUP, L.L.C., and any of its subsidiaries, divisions, or affiliates. Our terms of service shall survive any termination or cancellation of our services and products. The terms indicated on this page supersede any verbal conversations. We will review our terms of service at least once per year to ensure relevancy and accuracy. We will update you of any changes.
A.2. By enrolling, purchasing, or scheduling any of our services or session, you hereby agree and consent to the entirety of our terms of service included on this page. You furthermore agree to our privacy policy terms listed on our website. Please ensure you read each course description carefully, as the requirements and the descriptions of each course will also be enforced as part of our terms of service.
A.3. Our team has worked to make the language used on our website, emails, policies, and agreements, as concise and clear as possible. However, if you are having difficulties understanding any part of it, please speak with us, or consult your legal counsel. We are committed to providing exceptional service to you and all dogs, and we hope our attention to detail is helpful to you, and all of our different clients, for many years to come.
A.4 Non-English-Speaking Customers: I understand that certain business-pertinent materials relating to PractiPUP, on or off of this site, including but not limited to questionnaires, documents, emails, Adobe Sign, instructions, and communication, are only available in English. Non-English translations of these Terms, as well as other terms, conditions, and policies, are provided for convenience only. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between translations, the English version is authoritative and controls.
A.5. The terms and conditions mentioned here are subject to change at any time, with or without notice to you. Our terms of service apply to all of our customers, regardless of the product they’ve purchased. It also applies to those who participate in our raffles, PAWS club, and promotional events, including all of our in-person and virtual events.
A.6. By purchasing or scheduling dog training, you, the participant, represent that you are the legal owner of the named pet and you are aware that participation in any dog training class may result in illness, accident, injury, death to you or the named pet, and/or escape of the named pet. You agree you are aware of these risks and dangers and assume all responsibility for them. In addition, you assume full responsibility for damages and injuries (i) to the named pet, (ii) caused directly or indirectly by the named pet, and/or (iii) to other individuals or pets, whether in presence or in the absence of PractiPUP trainers or personnel.
Section 1: Media, Marketing, and Photography Terms:

1.1 – To the extent you are participating in PractiPUP’s dog training sessions, you consent to the photography, videotaping and audio and video-recording of such sessions, and PractiPUP’s display, replay, release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction of such content including images or recordings of you and/or your pet, if applicable, and for the same to be used by PractiPUP on a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide and nonexclusive basis (including by PractiPUP’s vendors and strategic counter-parties, and each of their affiliates and agents, as may be applicable from time to time), in its sole discretion, including but not limited to for promotional purposes and inclusion on PractiPUP digital and in-person promotions and signage. You specifically release PractiPUP from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of photographs, video, and/or audio recordings. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by PractiPUP.

Section 2: Owner’s Participation:

2.1 – If any participant is under 18 years old, the parent or legal guardian of the participant must remain present during the entire training session. In addition, if the participant is under 18 years old, you, the undersigned, represent and affirm that you are the parent or legal guardian of the participant, and you hereby consent and give your permission to all the provisions of our privacy policy and our terms of service, including but not limited to the indemnity and release contained herein, for yourself as the responsible party, and on behalf of the participant, and your dog(s).

Section 3: Release of Liability:

3.1 – You, for yourself, your heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby release and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless (collectively, “indemnify”) PractiPUP and its respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any and all actions, suits, damages, claims, losses, and demands of any kind, which you, your heirs, executors, administrators and assigns had, now have or hereafter may have by reason of any matter arising from or in connection with you and the named pet’s participation in any PractiPUP dog training sessions, including without limitation any illness, injury, accident, death or damage to person or property, except to the extent any such losses are directly attributable to the Released Parties’ own willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Section 4: Dispute Policies:


4.2 Pre-Dispute Resolution Process: Should you and PractiPUP have a Dispute (as defined below), PractiPUP is committed to engaging with you to resolve it. Therefore, for any Dispute that arises between you and PractiPUP, the parties agree that they will first make a good faith effort to resolve it informally. This informal dispute resolution process is a condition precedent to commencing any formal proceeding in arbitration or small claims court. The parties agree that any relevant limitations period and filing fee or other deadlines will be tolled while the parties engage in this process.

4.3 For your Disputes with PractiPUP, you must first send your name, address, telephone number, email address, and sufficient information for PractiPUP to identify any transaction at issue; a detailed description of your Dispute; and the nature and basis of your claims and the relief sought, along with the calculation you used (the “Notice”) to the following email address: contact@PractiPUP.com

4.4 You and PractiPUP agree to negotiate in good faith about the Dispute, including through an informal and individualized telephone or video settlement conference if requested by PractiPUP. If either party to the Dispute is represented by counsel, that party’s counsel may participate, but the party also must personally appear at and participate in the settlement conference. This process should lead to resolution of the Dispute, but if the matter is not resolved within 180 days after PractiPUP’s receipt of the complete written description detailed above, you and PractiPUP agree to the further dispute resolution provisions below. This time period will start to run upon receipt of the information referenced above. If the sufficiency of the Notice or compliance with this pre-dispute resolution process is at issue, either party may elect to have this issue decided by a court, and any formal dispute resolution proceeding shall be stayed pending resolution of the issue.

Section 5: Dispute Resolution:

5.1 The staff at PractiPUP values your business and intends to do right by you and your dog(s). In the event you are dissatisfied, please first contact us by calling or emailing, so we can work with you and explore any possible actions to do right.

5.2 You or PractiPUP may elect to have a dispute heard in small claims court if it qualifies for hearing by such a court, provided that an action in small claims may only seek individualized relief and so long as the action remains in that court and is not removed or appealed to a court of general jurisdiction. In addition, PractiPUP retains the right to seek injunctive or other equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction to prevent the actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation, or violation of a party’s copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, or other intellectual property rights. “Dispute” shall be interpreted broadly and shall also include all Disputes that arose before your agreement to these Dog Training Terms, and which arise after the termination of this agreement. A court shall have authority to enforce this paragraph and, if necessary, to enjoin the mass filing of arbitration demands against PractiPUP.

5.3 As referenced above, this dispute resolution section shall survive any termination or cancellation of these Dog Training Terms. Any amendments to this dispute resolution section shall be prospective only and shall not affect any pending Dispute for which PractiPUP has notice or pending proceeding.


Section 6:Other Service Policies:

6.1 A refund will not be granted for unused and expired sessions after the first training session after the consultation. Each package (aka “product”, “session” or “course”) will expire within six calendar (6) months of purchase or payment regardless of whether the consultation or the first training session has been completed. All of the coupons created 2023 expired on December 1, 2023. Please review the requirements of each course before purchase.

6.2 The courses or packages you purchase are non-refundable, and non-transferrable to another one of your pets, or another pet belonging to someone else. Each training package includes one initial consultation, to determine the potential of your pet. Paying for the consultation does not guarantee that we will train your dog. The consultation and the evaluation is to determine if your dog is a good fit for our services, and to determine the final price of training path, in order to generate a bill for you. Each consultation will last less than 45 minutes, where we will meet your dog, interact with your dog, and present you with our decision.

6.3 The commands mentioned for each course, are merely a list of items we MAY be able to teach your dog. Every dog has a different aptitude, background, and personality, which may hinder some progress. Please provide your own water, treats, harness, leash, and other training materials, including but not limited to toys, noisemakers, and other equipment.

6.4 Regarding our new dog consultation package, we would like to acknowledge that each dog’s personality changes throughout their lifetime, and it is impossible to accurately guarantee a dog’s personality as they age. According to our experience, a dog’s core personality traits begin to form around seven (7) months of age. However; the training, their nurture, and their environment plays a bigger role in altering their personality. Our puppy and dog consultation package is meant to profile a dog at their current state, at the time we meet them, in any environment we meet. Our consultation or advise is not meant to serve as a guarantee and it is not meant to be perpetual. With that being said, all the aforementioned elements can consistently and daily be applied to alter a dog’s negative behaviors, as well. Also, keep in mind that the “use it or lose it” methodology applies to every dog and human, which is why working dogs train on a daily basis, to make sure they retain the training they have received. Please ensure you are mindful of our instruction, as dogs’ training could become ineffective, if the proper training methods are not enforced outside of PractiPUP, supervision or instruction.

Section 7:Training Concerns and Policies:

7.1 We reserve the right to cancel, or reschedule any training or consultation appointment within 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment for general reasons. In the event of inclement weather, we reserve the right to cancel or reschedule any training or consultation appointments prior to one hour before the scheduled event. Please schedule your sessions at least three days in advance, so we may coordinate our schedules well.

7.2 We furthermore reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Consultations are only allowed once every 6 months for each individual dog.

7.3 There are many pieces to consider to ensure your dog is trained well. For example, if a dog is not socialized properly, and is too anxious, or too playful, they may struggle to follow or learn simple commands within one session. For example, this would consequently mean, that a basic command, may take them three to four sessions to learn, while we address other relevant behavioral and environmental concerns.We are not liable for your pet’s behavior in our presence or absence, as our training is meant to serve as a guideline, and a starting point. It will be up to you to continue training properly on your own time and enforcing the behavior you would like them to exhibit.

7.4 Dogs are not guaranteed to always remember the same command, and obey your command within one split-second. We recommend you set aside 10-15 minute long training sessions, at least three times each day for some months, to solidify your dog’s training. Make sure to continue practicing even after your dog has learned a command, to ensure they respond to your intended behavior better. As a reference, most working dogs continuously practice three to nine time each week, to upkeep their training. Dogs can easily forget command at any age, and sometimes, dogs need proper and consistent daily training of each command for months, in order to be on their best behavior throughout each day.

7.5 With this being said, if you have a hyper puppy or dog, please exercise your dog for fifteen to thirty minutes, prior to your dog’s scheduled class start time, or until the first sign that they would like to rest. This would tire them out just a little bit, so they are more likely to pay attention. Please do not exhaust your dog, since then all they would want to do is sleep and they may get rebellious and sleepy. If your dog appears to the class too hyper, or playful, we will then need to tire your dog out first, before we can ask them to focus. Tiring out a dog will typically take 15-20 minutes, but then we would need to give him or her time to rest a bit. Our class typically take 45 minutes. As you’re paying for 45 minutes of instruction, please ensure your dog is a bit tired, so he is ready to train. In the event your dog is too hyper or energetic at the start of the course, we will charge an additional $10.00 USD each time as an additional fee to tire them out, so we can begin instruction. The “session” or “lesson” will still last 45 minutes, and the play time and the rest time will be incorporated into each session.

7.6 Please also ensure your dog is not hungry, thirsty, injured, or exhausted, when they are about to start their class. We also recommend you bring some water for your dog, and provide two levels of high-value treats or food for your dog during training.

Section 8: Payment policies:

8.1 We reserve the right to charge an additional $10.00 USD for any 30 miles traveled away from Liberty Park in Salt Lake City, Utah. For any of our packages, sessions, and courses listed, we have not included the travel fee in the amount due, so the travel fee will be assessed after booking, and before we begin schedule any of the sessions. All fees must be paid within 24 hours of booking.

8.2 We also may charge you an additional $10.00 USD for each session, if your dog has not been exercised before the session, and is too energetic to focus on learning or performing commands. The course time will remain the same, and the play time dedicated to tire your dog a bit will not increase the session time.

8.3 Payment for each package or session or course is due before we begin scheduling the training sessions. If you have won two free training sessions at an affiliated raffle, please note that your coupon expired on December 1, 2023.

If you have recently won any PractiPUP vouchers or coupons in 2024, all of our terms of service apply to you, and your dog. Your voucher or coupon will expire on December 1, 2024.

By participating in, purchasing, or scheduling any of our services and promotions, you hereby agree and consent to the entirety of PractiPUP’s terms of service.

Please contact your legal counsel for questions, or contact us to see what we may be able to help with!

(801) 906-9814